Duval Direct: “Tales of Two Swordsmen”

Out of two respected music worlds, blade swingers have linked and they mean business. Flash The Samurai (L.O.V.E. Culture) and Intricate TheAlmighty (Cap6) came together to make a statement, all on Offbeatninja’s production. 

L to R: Offbeatninja, Flash, Intricate. Photography by Cre8Jax.

“Tales of Two Swordsmen” was officially released on May 12th, but an invite-only group got the chance to listen to the work the Saturday prior. Held at Mr. Al Pete’s MPN Headquarters, the energy was a continued coast. On the other hand, the music that added to the vibes was beyond impressive. 

Take a listen below and follow the swordsmen as well. This won’t be the last you’ll hear from them. Photography by Cre8Jax.

Instagram: @FlashTheSamurai @Intricate93 @datoffbeatninja @Cre8Jax